Jumat, Oktober 22, 2010

Get Your Online Success Today

Internet is the most common activity today. Nowadays, there is no world for any person without internet. This is our second world which we can't never be apart. And so, if you're searching for another success, the internet world may help you best. Beside of course your real world. But who can divide the real world and internet? Therefore, sometime your success in real world will depend on your success in virtual world, a.k.a internet....

Selasa, Oktober 05, 2010

Trying to Understand Sunako Nakahara

Sunako Nakahara Sunako always had an obsession with darkness and a morbid fascination with blood, horror movies, and similarly dark things but it wasn't until she was rejected by her first love that she openly expressed it and became even more isolated from the rest of the world. She hates excessive light exposure and also does poorly in hot weather, though the latter is because she grew up in northern Japan. She has three "friends"; a skeleton called Josephine (with husband, sergeant George) and two anatomical figures named Hiroshi-kun and Akira-kun. While she suffers from severely low self-esteem, she is actually quite beautiful (most of her physical imperfections are a result of her self-imposed isolation from the world) and a frighteningly...

Minggu, Oktober 03, 2010

Ikutan Mama (Ngakak)

Suatu hari sepasang suami istri yang sudah dikaruniai tiga anak, bertengkar hebat. Anak pertama berusia 5 tahun, anak kedua 3 tahun dan anak ketiga masih menyusu pada ibunya. Saking hebatnya pertengkaran itu, piring, gelas dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya beterbangan dan pecah. Karena istrinya tidak tahan lagi, "Pa, kalau begini terus lebih baik kita cerai! Aku sudah nggak tahan lagi melihat tingkah laku papa!", seru istrinya dengan suara yang keras dan emosi tinggi sambil membanting piring ke lantai. Tidak mau kalah si suami pun membalas dengan suara keras dan penuh emosi tinggi sambil memecahkan gelas ke lantai, "Baik.. baik...! Kalau itu kemauanmu, silahkan kita cerai! Oke, sekarang kita tanya anak-anak, sama siapa nanti ikut! Apa...